The MessMapp Project
Team Publications
Hadronic processes at work in 5BZB J0630-2406
Clairfontaine et al.
Recent observations are shedding light on the important role that active galactic nuclei play in the production of high-energy neutrinos. In this study, we focus on one object, 5BZB J0630-2406, which is among the blazars recently proposed as associated with neutrino emission during the first 7 yr of IceCube observations. Modeling the quasi-simultaneous, broadband spectral energy distribution, we explore various scenarios from purely leptonic to leptohadronic models, testing the inclusion of external photon fields. This theoretical study provides a complementary testing ground for the proposed neutrino-blazar association. Despite being historically classified as a BL Lac, our study shows that 5BZB J0630-2406 belongs to the relatively rare subclass of high-power flat-spectrum radio quasars. Our results indicate that interactions between protons and external radiation fields can produce a neutrino flux that is within the reach of the IceCube detector. Furthermore, the spectral shape of the X-ray emission suggests the imprint of hadronic processes related to very energetic protons.
Extragalactic neutrino factories
Buson et al. 2023
Identifying the astrophysical sources responsible for the high-energy cosmic neutrinos has been a longstanding challenge. In a previous work, we report evidence for a spatial correlation between blazars from the 5th Roma-BZCat catalog and neutrino data of the highest detectable energies, i.e. > 0.1 PeV, collected by the IceCube Observatory in the southern celestial hemisphere. The statistical significance is found at the level of 2 x 10^{-6} post-trial. In this work we test whether a similar correlation exists in the northern hemisphere, were IceCube is mostly sensitive to < 0.1 PeV energies. We find a consistent correlation between blazars and northern neutrino data at the pre-trial p-value of 5.12 x 10^{-4}, and a post-trial chance probability of 6.79 x 10^{-3}. Combining the post-trial probabilities observed for the southern and northern experiments yields a global post-trial chance probability of 2.59 x 10^{-7} for the genuineness of such correlation. This implies that the spatial correlation is highly unlikely to arise by chance. Our studies push forward an all-sky subset of 52 objects as highly likely PeVatron extragalactic accelerators.
Beginning a journey across the Universe: the discovery of extragalactic neutrino factories
Buson et al. 2022, ApJL , 933, 4
Neutrinos are the most elusive particles in the universe, capable of traveling nearly unimpeded across it. Despite the vast amount of data collected, a long-standing and unsolved issue is still the association of high-energy neutrinos with the astrophysical sources that originate them. Among the candidate sources of neutrinos, there are blazars, a class of extragalactic sources powered by supermassive black holes that feed highly relativistic jets, pointed toward Earth. Previous studies appear controversial, with several efforts claiming a tentative link between high-energy neutrino events and individual blazars, and others putting into question such relation. In this work, we show that blazars are unambiguously associated with high-energy astrophysical neutrinos at an unprecedented level of confidence, i.e., a chance probability of 2 × 10^{−6}. Our statistical analysis provides the observational evidence that blazars are astrophysical neutrino factories and hence, extragalactic cosmic-ray accelerators.
Erratum: Beginning a journey across the Universe: the discovery of extragalactic neutrino factories
Buson et al. 2022, ApJL, 934, 2
Amendement to the original article.
The Isotropic γ-ray Emission above 100 GeV: Where Do Very High-energy γ-rays Come From?
de Menezes et al. 2022, ApJ, 933, 213
easyFermi: A graphical interface for performing Fermi-LAT data
de Menezes et al. 2022, A&C, 4000609
Observing the inner parsec-scale region of candidate neutrino-emitting blazars
Nanci et al. 2022, A&A, 663, 129
Candidate Tidal Disruption Event AT2019fdr Coincident with a High-Energy Neutrino
Reusch et al. 2022, PhRvL, 128, 1101
Variability and Spectral Characteristics of Three Flaring Gamma-Ray Quasars Observed by VERITAS and Fermi-LAT
Adams et al. 2022, ApJ, 924, 95
Catalog of Long-term Transient Sources in the First 10 yr of Fermi-LAT Data
Baldini et al. 2021, ApJS, 256, 13